Recently, Erik Cuypers, Group IT director of Maxeda DIY Group, was interviewed by RetailDetail. Erik doesn't believe in the term Omnichannel, because there are only customers, not 'online customers' or 'offline shoppers'. Erik: "Don't say omnichannel but omniconsumer, because in the end it is the consumer that matters. Of those 'omniconsumer', Maxeda DIY Group has eight million. To make it really revolve around them, we collect 360° feedback and use the loyalty app."
After the e-commerce boost during the pandemic years, retailers are looking for a new balance between online and offline. What does the new normal in e-commerce look like? What role for marketplaces? How is the function of the physical shop changing in an omnichannel context? Erik Cuypers will be speaking about this subject at the RetailDetail Omnichannel Congress on 23 March.
Read the interview here.